Core: NV28 250MHz 256bit
Memory: 128MB DDR 500MHz 128bit
Memory: 128MB DDR 500MHz 128bit
Pixel shaders: 4 (v1.3) Vertex Shaders: 2 (v1.1)
DirectX: 8.1 Pixel pipelines: 4 TMU per pipeline: 2
Transistors: 63 million Made: 150nm
Pixel write speed: 1000 MPixel/s Texel write speed: 2000 MTexel/s
Memory bandwith: 8000 MB/s
Sorry, can you tell me the capacity and the voltage of the marked capacitor? Thanks
Link of the picture:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4TFNOaw1GKkb2lTTTREbmJUeXM/edit?usp= sharing