Core: RV280 240MHz 128bit
Memory: 64/128MB DDR 333/400MHz 64/128bit
Memory: 64/128MB DDR 333/400MHz 64/128bit
Pixel pipelines: 4 TMU per pipeline: 1
Vertex shaders: 1 (v 1.1) Pixel Shaders: 4 (v 1.4) DirectX: 8.1
Memory bandwith: 6400 MB/s Pixel write speed: 1000 MPixel/s Texel write speed: 1000 MTexel/s
Note: GPU-Z recognized this card badly. Its not Radeon 9200 but 9250. Radeon 9250 is die-shrink of Radeon 8500.
I did overclock on 128MB version of this Radeon (red one on photos), you can see results in GPU-Z with OC. Core was stable up to 300MHz and memory up to 460MHz.
GPU core OC 25% and memory 15% up.