This is one of my latest projects. Finally its ready to be released. Its not final, but you'll find there most famous graphic chips makers. Others will be added later. If you know about any card missing in one of the trees, let me know in comments. But link there some prove of existence too, because i found many cards written on wikipedia with no sign of their existence (probably never released - many of them made by Cirrus). If you really want to have here new branch with you favourite maker, then you can send too whole tree info, and i will add it faster. Whole image is too big, but smaller fonts will be not readable. So sorry to people with really small monitors. You have to scroll more. Direct link to image in full resolution and colors is here. Added also more optimized smaller version (less colors, 50% resolution) - 1,5MB size is here. You can try also webgallery version by clicking on image (now it opens smaller version). I will try to keep also some kind of version info about updates.
If you have really big wall, you can print it also on Plotter - many companies do this for anyone. Usual limit on most machines is 160cm height. I got recently one print too and put it on wall in company i work for. Dimensions are 152x328cm without some more blank space around. It looks great.
Recently thanks to Stiletto i got many more documentation about various graphic chips, including unreleased ones. Since i don't have any of those prototypes (and don't think it change - im not so rich to buy any), i put info about these cards here.
Gigapixel GP-1 brief article about technology, GP-3 specs, GP-LP specs
Bitboys Glaze3D presentation from 1999, also in pdf format, Pyramid3D 2503 datasheet, 2502 datasheet, presentation, specs, siterip info and driver, driver
04-05-2014: Few fixes at Intel chipsets.
04-05-2014: Added many S3 and SiS chipsets. Updated one card companies - Everex ICC00203, Infotronic IMSGP2000, InteGraphics Systems IGA 1680_A
02-27-2014: Added AMD(ATi) 2012 cards. Updated memory sizes at S3 Trio32 and Vision cards (thx goes to Stiletto for uploading datasheets)
02-25-2014: Added mobile Nvidia 2012 cards.
02-23-2014: Added UMC UM487 and some Nvidia 2012 cards. Rest and ATi ones will come later.
09-10-2013: Added Nvidia FX 5100
08-01-2013: Updated Chips and Technologies with 65548, in early Matrox models card names replaced by chip names, updated memory sizes at many chips
12-31-2012: Added IXMICRO
12-30-2012: Added less known companies (bottom left corner), updated SGI with Reality and added some memory sizes
12-25-2012: Added Sun
11-20-2012: Updated ATi with ES1000 and added some HP nonPC cards
11-18-2012: Added HP, Winbond and updated Chips and Technologies with 69030
11-11-2012: Added Acer and Compaq
10-30-2012: Updated IBM tree with GXT graphics (non PC) for RS/6000 computers
10-01-2012: Added Silicon Motion
09-18-2012: Added IIT, Ahead Systems and updated Hitachi with HD6345/6445
08-28-2012: Added NCR and Emulex. Updated Nec - D65040 and SiS - 86C16
08-26-2012: Updated Nec tree - professional cards
08-25-2012: Added Evans & Sutherland
08-23-2012: Added Motorola and OPTi
08-21-2012: Added SGI
08-20-2012: Added AMD and Nec
08-16-2012: Added Cornerstone Imaging
08-15-2012: Added Intergraph. Webgallery now opens smaller image with lesser quality and size. For full sized image click on link in article.
08-14-2012: Added paperlaunch companies BitBoys, Gigapixel and Real3D (cause everybody wants them there despite they never sold single card), splitted Chromatic Mpact into 2 models, merged Glint R3 and Permedia 3 into one, added Matrox M-series
08-09-2012: Added UMC and Paradise Systems
08-07-2012: Added AccelGraphics and Dynamic Pictures
08-06-2012: Added ARTIST Graphics, updated SiS/XGI with Volari Z7, Z9 and Z11 - need more info about Z9 and Z11
08-04-2012: Added Hitachi, Sigma Designs, Hualon HM6311 and Yamaha V6355D
08-02-2012: Added Gemini and Hualon
07-31-2012: Added Macronix, Texas Instruments and futher decreased size of smaller version (50% decrease of resolution)
07-29-2012: Added G-2, Video-7, Headland Technology and Genoa
07-28-2012: Added Weitek and smaller size version (about half) with less colors.
07-23-2012: Added Tamarack
07-22-2012: Added Yamaha
07-19-2012: Updated Intel tree with 82720, 82730, 82786, 82716, i960. Thx goes to Intel Museum. Added Avance Logic
07-17-2012: Added 3Dlabs, Tseng ET2500, Videologic Midas 3
07-15-2012: Added Chips and Technologies, Chromatic Research
07-14-2012: Added Intel chips, Nvidia NV2
07-12-2012: First public version
2012-07-17 14:10:31 || Slaventus - History
Very interesting! Hope you'll add 3dlabs cards soon. The was also Tseng Labs ET2500 somewhere in 1987 (I'll get one in the nearest future
2012-07-17 15:03:59 |SAdministrator| vlask
Well you seem to be lucky collector, all your wishes comes true
Just finished and uploaded new version with 3Dlabs. You must be reading my mind, i started doing it this morning....
And gratz to that tseng, it has nice chipset marking. Found image on french ebay, but that price is too high
2012-07-18 06:15:27 || Slaventus - One more idea
May be it will be a good idea to add Yamaha YGV612-F, which was used in Paradise Tasmania 3D, since it was one of the first 3D accelerators
2012-07-22 13:42:50 |SAdministrator| vlask - re: One more ideaSlaventus wrote:May be it will be a good idea to add Yamaha YGV612-F, which was used in Paradise Tasmania 3D, since it was one of the first 3D accelerators
Well can't add only one, its about searching whole company history. And Yamaha's isn't well documented. But found some cards.
BTW YGV611 can do 3D too and is little older
2012-08-13 10:46:49 || NitroX infinity
I might be overlooking it but I don't see Oak Technology on there and Gigapixel seems to be missing too.
Gigapixel developed the GP1 and GP2 before 3dfx bought the company in March of 2000.
2012-08-13 22:45:41 |SAdministrator| vlask
Oak is there, second to the right of IBM and Gigapixel never sold single card. So its same as Bitboys and Real3D - will be added as last, real products have priority over paper ones.
2013-07-29 02:43:21 || Old Gigapixeler - I Actually have one of the once working Gigapixel
As an early Gigapixel employee I got my hands on one or two of the early gp1 cards as tdfx was going bankrupt. I have the card I demoed to Microsoft to win the xbox contract plus the first prototype board we used on the first chip we got back from the fab. I could take some pictures if people are interested
2013-08-04 14:17:10 || Vlask
People would be interested in photos for sure. Any info about unreleased cards is great.
2013-12-15 20:21:35 || Stiletto
Any additional documentation, drivers, etc. would be great!
2013-12-15 20:21:12 || Stiletto
Old Gigapixeler: post on Beyond3D? currently MIA Gigapixel docs formerly on website:
2012-08-23 23:09:43 || brabusgv12
Perfect =) Well done. I`ll Try to print it and make a colour poster of a4 pages.
2012-08-24 10:27:22 || Slaventus - Silicon Motion
I suggest adding Silicon Motion chipsets (as far as I remember it produced only mobile/integrated solutions, but also demo boards were available with PCI/mini-PCI/AGP interface). I can name Lynx EM4+, Lynx3DM and current solutions with SM750/SM718 GPU's
2012-10-17 00:08:26 || brabusgv12
Have printed on 12 a4 pages. Spent a hour to cut and glue =)
2012-10-20 11:28:46 |SAdministrator| vlask
Nice, can you tell me how big it is? Thinking about putting it on wall in my work.
2012-10-29 16:28:08 || brabusgv - re:vlask wrote:Nice, can you tell me how big it is? Thinking about putting it on wall in my work.
about 114х57 cm
2013-02-12 10:40:38 || Chris - eee
No fence but... I don't see Hercules Corporation... Am I blind?
2013-03-14 23:00:14 || Vlask
No youre not blind. Its just map of graphic chips makers. Not graphic card makers. And i haven't found single card with chip developed and made by Hercules. Early cards used Motorola 6845 clones and later ones various chips from other makers. Well there should be 1st Hercules card since i also added IBM MDA/CGA also based on 6845, but IBM did also other chipsets, so theres reason to put them into IBM. But Hercules will have then only one record in 83....
2013-03-28 19:14:39 || Mike Fieger - WOW!
Thanks for the great job!
I just wanted to start something like this myself as i stumbled over your website :-)
2013-11-07 13:59:41 || matthew land
i just bought the trident providea9685 as an artifact
2014-01-17 02:18:02 || noshutdown - there are too many similar models from nvidia and
which makes the graph difficult to read, and listing all those similar models seems meaningless. so i suggest to list only the gpu core models(g80/g84/g86, g92/g94/g98, gt200/gt215/gt216, gf100/104/110, gk104/110... etc), what do you think?
2014-01-18 01:35:45 || Vlask
Heh then noone will get anything from it. Only very few people remembers which models are divided from certain core. Even me not. They will then spam me, where is their card. Btw that apply to ATI/AMD too, there are also too many models, not only at nvidia.
2014-01-29 06:27:09 || noshutdown
i mentioned ati in my title but the length limit is too short. and why care about spammers? the graph is only for those who can read it.
2014-04-10 13:28:14 || etimacias - Small errors
Voodoo 1 got 4 MB, not 6. Voodoo RUSH had 6 MB
2014-04-12 00:39:56 || Vlask - No erors found
Well they really existed. Voodoo 1 - Canopus Pure 3D nad Miro Hiscore 3D had 6MB - dfx/46-voodoo-1 . I have Canopus card.
Rush cards with 8MB are Gainward Dragon 2000, Hercules S3318TV and 2the MAX Fantasy FX 2, but i have none of these - hard to find them cheap, cause of big 3dfx fan community willing to pay high prices for them.
AWESOME. Nice job