Core: Intel 740 66MHz 64bit
Memory: 8MB SDR 100MHz 64bit
Memory: 8MB SDR 100MHz 64bit
Pixel pipelines: 1 TMU per pipeline: 1
DirectX: 6 OpenGL: 1.1 Year: 1998
Memory bandwith: 528 MB/s
Pixel write speed: 66 MPixel/s Texel write speed: 66 MTexel/s
My very first card, was working in a 5x86, with 8Mb EDO ram and a 800Mb hdd. Then I upgraded to a PII 300celeron and kept the card, the first game I played on it was the Homeworld. Probably the best 3D experience in my life... Became forfeit very soon due to the lack of software support. As I know, Intel quit the vga market after this up until last year..